McKinney-Vento Family Resources
McKinney-Vento Family Resources
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act establishes the educational rights to which children and youth experiencing homelessness are entitled. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD is committed to ensuring that homeless children and youth have access to a quality education in our public schools.
Mandy Ozuna is GCISD's McKinney-Vento liaison, and she can be reached Families seeking information regarding McKinney-Vento services can also contact their campus counselor.
Who Is Homeless?
Per the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 USC 11302), youth are considered home is they "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence," including:
In emergency or transitional shelters
In motels, hotels, campgrounds, abandoned in hospitals, or awaiting foster care
In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings
Doubled up with relatives or friends
Unaccompanied youth, youth who had to leave their residence for self-protection living under these conditions
Youth may also experience episodic homelessness which may manifest in more unconventional ways like couch-surfing.
What Are Your Rights?
Homeless children have a right to attend school.
You do not need a permanent address to enroll your child in school.
Homeless children have the right to stay in their home school if the parents choose.
Your child cannot be denied school enrollment just because school records or other enrollment documentation are not immediately available.
Your child has the opportunity to receive transportation services to and from the school of origin.
Your child has the right to participate in extracurricular activities and all federal, state, or local programs for which he/she is eligible.
Information flyers provided by Texas Education Agency
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