Health and Physical Education
"Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it." -William Temple
Quick Links
Health TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
Physical Education TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
Dr. Paul Sikes (PK-2)
Phone: 817-251-5637
Kevin Starnes (K-12)
Phone: 817-251-5636
In order to be proactive in our delivery of education concerning human sexuality, our district supplements the health curriculum with several excellent resources. Prior to presenting the materials to students, parents have an opportunity to preview the resources and speak with the district's Health coordinator and campus PE/Health teachers. Resources will be presented throughout the school year. Letters will be sent home to parents with the information and it will be posted on this website.
Programs presented to students during the school year were selected and recommended by the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) for implementation. The Council was established in concert with Senate Bill 1, Education Code Sec. 28.004. The main purpose of the SHAC is to review and recommend any course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality or HIV/AIDs to GCISD Board of Trustees. Recommendations may also be made by the council regarding other topics related to the well-being of GCISD students, including the health and fitness curriculum and instruction.
The curriculum and presentations are aligned with district philosophy, as well as the state-mandate for directive abstinence education.