Hazard Communication (HazCom)

Laboratory Safety

Each department and/or campus is responsible for making sure that their vendor information and that any special materials not able to be accessed through these websites or internet have an SDS available for each employee. If there is a website or individual SDS that you would like posted then please contact Compliance and Safety with the information. 

When you do a search to find a particular SDS please have the manufacturer and product name if possible. Any dates or concentrations from the label will also help narrow any searches.

Administrative - Office


Cleaning Supplies - Custodial 

Print Shop - No longer in operation but still has some chemicals in storage cabinets

Chemical Disposal

At the District level, chemicals are usually collected once a year in the Spring for disposal.  An email will be sent out reminding the campuses of the procedures and timelines.  If you have anything special, or need assistance with disposal at a different time of the year, please contact Compliance and Safety.   

Guidelines for Disposal

  • Clearly mark chemicals for disposal.

  • Inventory chemicals for disposal, including name, amount and any special comments (i.e. crystals forming, or no lid).

  • Chemicals with no label should still be noted on disposal inventory.

  • Forward:  1. location of chemicals, 2. any access directions (i.e. keys or personnel), and 3. disposal inventory to Compliance and Safety.   

  • Compliance and Safety will collect and coordinate the disposal of the District to save resources. 

GCISD encourages Reduce first, Re-use, and Recycle.  GCISD recycles chemicals as much as possible.  Please only order what you will use in a year.  This also saves money in a tough budget climate.  It takes more money to dispose of old chemicals than to order new ones.  


At the District level, Chemical Inventories are due in the Spring as well.  These inventories are due to the Science Coordinator and then will be forwarded to Compliance and Safety so that we can post and have access, if needed.

If you have any questions on inventory collection, format or process, please contact your Science Coordinator or Compliance and Safety