District Health Programs

Elementary Programs

K – 5thGrade:

"Play It Safe!" meets the State and Federal guidelines for curriculum addressing personal safety issues and child abuse. The Women’s Center of Tarrant County, Inc. uses trained employees to present this program. The TEKS-based curriculum uses videos and scripted discussion materials that are age-appropriate. For more information, please click here.

4th Grade Girls:

"Just around the Corner" - This upbeat and catchy video is shown to introduce them to the changes the body will experience during preadolescence. It will be shown to 4th grade girls only.

5th Grade Boys and Girls:

"Growing Up! for Boys and Growing Up! For Girls" – These videos present basic information about male and female reproductive anatomy and functioning - and the physical and psychological changes that are a normal part of growing up. Growing Up! For Girls (shown to girls only) takes a realistic look at the responsibilities of adulthood and promotes dialogue with trusted adults, promoting self-confidence as girls face the challenges of change and growth. Growing Up! For Boys (shown to boys only) provides advice on health, hygiene and good grooming. 

Middle School Programs

6th Grade:

“The New and Improved Me” video used to describe and inform students about the physical changes that occur during puberty. There are two separate videos: one concerning the male changes in adolescents and one concerning the changes to the female adolescent’s body. Male and female students will view both videos in separate groups.

"Play It Safe!" meets the State and Federal guidelines for curriculum addressing personal safety issues, child abuse, and harassment. The Women’s Center of Tarrant County, Inc. uses trained employees to present this program. The TEKS-based curriculum uses videos and scripted discussion materials that are age-appropriate. For more information, please click here.

Aim For Success - "Achieve Success" - A motivational presentation from Aim for Success, Inc. that provides information about how to succeed at sexual abstinence. Topics covered include Dreams and Goals, Pregnancy and STDs, Differences between Guys and Girls, Knowing True Love, Dealing with Peer Pressure/Teen Dating Violence, Dealing with Pressure from the Media, Dealing with Pressures of Drugs and Alcohol, and Positive Role Models. For more information, please visit the Aim for Success website.

All Stars - Drug and Violence Prevention are addressed through this program, presented by the Counselor(s) assigned to each campus. All Stars will be provided through the TEKS-based PE/Health curriculum in the 6th grade.

7th Grade: 

"Play It Safe!" meets the State and Federal guidelines for curriculum addressing personal safety issues, child abuse, and sexual abuse. The Women’s Center of Tarrant County, Inc. uses trained employees to present this program. The TEKS-based curriculum uses videos and scripted discussion materials that are age-appropriate. For more information, please click here.

8th Grade

"Aim for success" - A motivational presentation from Aim for Success, Inc. that provides information about how to succeed at sexual abstinence. Topics covered include Dreams and Goals, Pregnancy, STDs, Emotional Scars, Setting Boundaries, The Pressure of Drugs and Alcohol, Contraceptives, and Can You Chance It? For more information, please visit the Aim for Success website.

High School Programs

Aim for Success - "Freedom to Succeed" -A motivational presentation from Aim for Success, Inc. that provides information about how to succeed at sexual abstinence. Topics covered include Dreams and Goals, Pregnancy and Child Support, What is Sex?, Criminal Law, Sexual Offender Registration, Sexual Abuse/Teen Dating Violence, Pornography – Cell Phones/Sexting/Internet, Sexual Harassment and the Best Protection. For more information, please visit the Aim for Success website.

Life Skills -- Drug and Violence Prevention are addressed through this program, presented by the Student Resource Officer assigned to each campus. Life Skills will be provided through the TEKS-based PE/Health curriculum in the 6th grade.

"Play It Safe!" meets the State and Federal guidelines for curriculum addressing personal safety issues, healthy relationships and acquaintance and date rape. The Women’s Center of Tarrant County, Inc. uses trained employees to present this program. For more information, please click here.